Spring Anime 2018 Preview: Retro's Back!

Hello everyone! This is my preview for the upcoming Spring anime 2018 which begin this April! (Some of the series synopsis are taken from other sources)

Shokugeki no Souma S3-Toutsuki Ressha-hen: After a three month break, the 2nd part of this season continue as Souma and his friends begin their training to win back their school from the Elite Ten and Erina's father Azami.

Boku no Hero Academia S3: Season 3 of the Super Hero anime see Deku and his friends battle the League of Villains and the reveal of All Might's most dangerous villain-One for All.

Tokyo Ghoul:Re: The continuation of the Horror action series.

High School DxD Hero: Season 4 of the Harem/Action comedy as Issei strive to become the Harem King and beating other rival demons and angels at the same time.

Steins;Gate 0: A reset of the time travelling anime series.

Sword Art Online Alternative- Gun Gale Online: A spin off of the SAO season 2 as it focus on a female player named Karen who has insecurities about her height created a shorter avatar of herself and battle in GGO game...

Persona 5 the Animation: One of the best PS4 RPG games of 2017 is now animated. Set a few years after Persona 4 and in the city of Shibuya, it focus on a group of teens who gained the power of Persona and formed a gang of thieves to steal the "Sins" of the city.

Jikken-hin Kazoku-Creatures Family Days: A mad scientist turned his whole family into genetic creatures and was arrested. Now this odd family has to figure out a way to revert while trying to adopt their new abilities...

Devil's Line: Tsukasa was rescued from an attack by a devil that can blend in among the human population. Her savior, Anzai is a half-devil who exploits his supernatural gifts as a member of a shadowy police task force that specializes in devil-related crime in Tokyo.

Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai: Mitsuyoshi Tada, a boy who has never known love, is taking pictures of the cherry blossoms in full bloom when he meets Teresa Wagner, a transfer student from Luxembourg...

Caligula: A group of people are trapped in a virtual idol's world and has to find a way to get out...

3D Kanojo-Real Girl: High school senior Hikari Tsutsui is the quintessential "2D otaku" obsessed with the two-dimensional worlds that unfold in his gadgets and books. A bizarre incident leads him into a romantic relationship with the gorgeous Iroha Igarashi and his days of being wrapped around the finger of his carefree girlfriend begin...

Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory: After years of waiting, the final chapter in the FMP saga begins!

Golden Kamuy: Sugimoto survived the Russo-Japanese war of the Meiji era and seek out to find gold to sav the widowed wife of his deceased comrade from the war. Partnering with an Ainu girl that saves his life from the harsh climates of the north, they venture into a survival adventure in a race against the criminals that seek the hidden stash....

Hinamatsuri: One night, a strange object falls on the head of Yakuza member Nitta. Inside the box is a strange young girl named Hina who has tremendous supernatural powers and Nitta finds himself reluctantly taking her in...

Mahou Shoujo Site: Asagiri Aya, a girl bullied at school and at home. One day, an eerie website, Mahou Shoujo Site flashes on her computer screen and welcomes her to the Mahou Shoujo World. (Warning: Dark Mahou Shoujo Series!)

Saredo Tsumibito wa Ryuu to Odoru-Dances with the Dragons: The story focuses on the two main characters, Gaius Sorel and Gigina Ashley-Bufh, two employees of Spell Formalist dispatch office Ashley-Bufh & Sorel Co. They are met with a variety of requests from a variety of clients, all requiring the adept use of spell formula...

Juushinki Pandora: A Major Disaster turned the world into a wasteland and Leon who is a scientist created a mecha called Pandora to combat a new horror that has invaded the land...

Alice or Alice: This story gives a look at the daily life of a pair or Alice twins and their older brother who has a sister complex.

Megalo Box: JD (Junk Dog) participates in fixed boxing matches in an underground ring in order to live. Today, he enters the ring again but he encounters a certain person that change his life forever...

Captain Tsubasa (2018): The Third reboot of the hit soccer anime of the 80s that re-tell the story of Ozora Tsubasa  who is destined to become of the greatest soccer player in the world...

Amanchu! Advance: Season 2 of the slice of life series about diving.

Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou: Another reboot of one of the most famous science fiction stories of all time that pit two factions-The Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance and how two men from both sides are heroes in their own right...

Mahou Shoujo Ore: Saki was a big fan of her friend's brother Mikage who is a idol singer. When Mikage was attacked by monsters, Saki will do anything to protect him and become a Mahou Shoujo but the truth is Saki transformed into a muscular man wearing mahou shoujo clothing...

Gegege no Kitarou: Another reboot of the hit shouen horror series about Kitarou who is a child of a human and demon as he struggle his humanity to protect the people he love...

Uma Musume-Pretty Derby: Based on the upcoming app game which is about young girls who are trained to become Uma Musume aka Horses Ladies and compete in horse races...

LadySpo: A science-fiction comedy where various pro sports bounty hunters fight each other in sporting events.

Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari: The story takes place in a world where fantastic beasts called "Spirals" are born from isolation. Those who can defeat the beasts are called "Periods."

Cutie Honey Universe: Before Pretty Cure, before Sailor Moon, there was Cutie Honey! The Original Mahou Shoujo Fighter who used her strength and beauty to save the day from evil forces! (While trying to keep her clothes intact at the same time!)

Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File: A spin off the Professor Layton series which focus on Layton's niece, Katrielle as she too solve puzzles and mysteries in every episode.

Gundam Build Divers: A spin off based on the Gundam Build Fighters series that focus on Kyoya Kujo and his Gundam Age II Magnum gunpla model.

Souten no Ken-Regenesis: A reboot and Prequel to Fist of the North Star that focus on Kasumi Kenshiro who is the 62th master of the Hokuto Shinken as he goes on a one man revenge quest in Shanghai after his friend and girlfriend were murdered...

Hisone to Masotan: Amakasu Hisone is a rookie soldier in the JSDF. When she encountered a real life dragon in the base, the dragon choose her to become a Dragon Rider!

Waka Okami wa Shougakusei: Okko, a sixth-grade elementary school girl who lost her parents in a traffic accident moves to her grandmother's hot spring inn and gradually grows up with the help of the ghost "Uri-bou" and other mysterious friends.

Lupin the Third: Part 5: What can I say but Lupin the Third!

We have five classic shows getting a reboot for this season. Captain Tsubasa is one of my favourite series when growing up and in the latest manga series titled Rising Sun, Tsubasa and his team are playing in the Olympics. But the problem with this new series is old fans already know how the story goes since it goes back to the beginning of Tsubasa's love with soccer and his encounters with various players. (All the fancy moves only started appearing when Tsubasa was in high school and the story really kicked in when they started playing against foreign teams)

Since I did finished Persona 5 on my PS4, the hype has kinda of died down since I know how the story goes and compared to P4's story, P5 is considered to be pretty dark since it dealt with a lot of mature themes.

Gundam Build Divers might be interesting since this series has always played the fanservice very well and after IBO's ending, Gundam fans really need something light hearted to get over the drama. Of course, Shougeki no Soma, My Hero Academia, High School DxD are also shows I am looking forward to.

So what shows are you looking forward to this season? Until then, see you in the next post!
